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Red pomegranate benefits for the skin you must know

29 de mayo de 2020

Red pomegranate benefits for the skin are some of the most precious characteristics of this superfruit. Even when many people may doubt that such advantages are indeed caused by red pomegranates, there are plenty of specialists who actually emphasize in this item. For instance, it is said that pomegranates contain qualities capable of regenerating epidermis. Furthermore, it can have specific effects on sensitive skin, as it is one with acne. Keep reading and find out more about this curious attribute.

Why to care about skin

First of all, we must state the reasons to care about our skin health. To begin with the obvious, the skin is your body´s first protection against the outside world. Therefore, it is your largest organ and it has been proved that its relevance may be greater than it was thought. Actually, it is not only because of the risk of cancer, but also because its strength will be determinant to prevent you from many illnesses. Assuming these would be enough motives to pay attention to these pomegranate benefits for the skin, let´s move forward.

Red pomegranate benefits for the skin

Many professionals assure that pomegranates, and among them red ones, have many beneficial elements for the skin. For example, doctors Marmur and Jaliman agree that both pomegranate juice and its seeds oil have direct impact on hydration of the skin. According to research published by Huffpost, the reason for that is the activation of cells that regenerate the epidermis, the outermost layer of the body.

Another very important red pomegranate benefit for the skin is the specific caring of the most sensitive kinds of skin. One example of this can be breakouts of acne, which somehow provokes a swelling. Guess what, red pomegranates have antioxidants that shall help to calm these inflammated spots.

Fighting modernity

As it is widely known, human evolution has positive consequences and some collateral damages, which can be moderated with periodic care. Your skin is no exception for this, and it is another reason to take care of it. Pollution, cars fumes, not to mention UV rays are highly detrimental to your health and particularly your skin. It is almost impossible to completely protect it, nevertheless, a daily care will help. Red pomegranate benefits for the skin include its protection due to the polyphenols, also known as antioxidants, doctors Marmur and Jaliman declare.

For women

Red pomegranate benefits for the skin deserve a special paragraph for women. Usually, it is them who care the most about the largest organ of the body and therefore, here they will find another ally. Specialized media states that red pomegranates have anti-bacterial effects, which enhances people´s health. Even more, including this super fruit in your daily diet will boost your skin capacity to fight ageing, which can also be complemented with face products based on this fruit´s vitamins.

Red pomegranate benefits for the skin

Summarizing, skin protection must be added to natural goodnesses of pomegranates. It´s as important as heart, bones or blood care.