It may have happened to you, thinking of how and when that fruit you were eating was cultivated. Its origin, who seeded it, how many people were necessary to take care of that plant and so. Perhaps to you these questions are more recurring than others like: Is this healthy? Can I get better quality? Was I given what I deserve? Therefore, even when it looks like a simple question, when are red pomegranates collected hides lots of relevant information about this “Super fruit”. These kinds of facts are helpful to understand whether the product was imported or nationally produced, if sanitary requirements were fulfilled, as well as the potential risks of consuming imported fake goods.
Before unveiling when are red pomegranates collected, some points need to be clarified. In spite of the usual specific periods for this lasting procedure, producers have managed to broaden their calendars leading to a wider time window of supply and consumption. This can also be concomitant with the use of freezing chambers and other resources that aim at offering pomegranates all year. Nevertheless, there is a natural maturation period between January and September which, for better results, shall be followed.
When are red pomegranates collected
After that proper maturation stage, the second week of August is the optimal time to issue that harvest -although in Arcos Pomegranates it is available the first week of September-. Beyond that, particularly in Spain, Mediterranean climate has a direct impact on getting better quality of food production, which also leads to new varieties and new time processes. As a matter of fact, cultivation area for red pomegranates is growing considerably, even expanding into zones where this economic activity was not developed.
ACCO red pomegranates
Nevertheless, this expansion does not mean tastier nor healthier pomegranates, unless we speak about the ACCO. This kind is considered an early crop, which may change the answer to when are red pomegranates collected. Originated in Israel, ACCO pomegranates are bright red with a rounded elongated crown and semi-soft sweet seeds. This variety has some advantages: is drought-tolerant, does not benefit from water excess and has the very same benefits for health and skin than the other red pomegranates.
When grown in bio organic crops, this ACCO red pomegranate is even richer. Because of their visual and nutritive characteristics, many Mediterranean countries adopted its nomination as “The queen of the fruits” making them one of the more demanded “Superfoods”.
Putting all together, these bio organic cultivation modality and cares give this already Super fruit even more to boast about. Moreover, Arcos Pomeg Spanish location provides clients with an extremely accessible point, low demanding in delivery time. Besides, even when it is implicit, it is worth remembering that EEC production comes with a reliable certification of its sanitary and production requirements, with strict imperatives to follow. Unlike imported goods, even those which also pretend to follow those standards, level of confidence will never be equal. That is why we must bear in mind when are red pomegranates collected and why to choose Bio organic ACCO from Spain.